AwakenHer with Corissa Stepp

January 2024 Intuitive Relationship Insights: Choosing Soul-Nourishing Connections

Corissa Stepp Season 2 Episode 47

In this episode, we discuss the relationship shifts that are in store for you in  January 2024 (or whenever you listen).  Tune in to hear the intuitive insights of the energetic themes that  we'll be playing with in our relationships so you can be armed and ready to transform your most soul-nourishing connections! 

Some of the themes discussed: 

  • Balancing Power in Relationships
  • Embracing Vulnerability to Connect Deeper
  • Openness to Possibilities
  • Self-Forgiveness and Transformation
  • Weeding Out Unhealthy Relationships
  • Gratitude
  • Paying Attention to your Intuition

Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year! 

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Corissa is a Somatic Trauma-Informed Coach™ & Narcissistic Abuse Specialist™ who empowers women after they’ve endured narcissist trauma to rediscover who they are, reclaim their power and find the clarity and courage to move forward and live a life they love. Corissa is also a recovering people-pleaser and codependent who has endured way too many narcissistic relationships to count! She coaches not only from her knowledge and training but also from the wisdom she has gained from her own healing journey.

Book a FREE 30-minute Confidential Clarity Call HERE.

Ways to connect with Corissa:

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Community: StrongHER
Instagram: @corissastepp
Facebook: Corissa Stepp
Free Quiz: Is My Partner a Narcissist?

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Corissa Stepp:

Welcome to the Stepping Into Meaningful Relationships podcast.

Corissa Stepp:

I'm your host, carissa Stepp. I'm a relationship and human design coach, and this podcast is designed to help you create a stronger connection to yourself so you can transform the relationships around you, whether that be with your partner, a friend, a parent, a child or your business. We'll be looking at relationships through the lens of human design, and my guests and I will bring you the tools, tips and tricks to create deeply meaningful connections with others. But first let's start with you. The most important relationship you have is the one with yourself. Thank you for tuning in. Now let's get to today's episode. Hey, hey, everyone, welcome back to Stepping Into Meaningful Relationships. I'm your host, carissa Stepp.

Corissa Stepp:

In today's episode, we're going to be talking about some of the energetic themes that are coming through for January 2024. These are my intuitive insights. I pull tarot cards to feel into what to expect in January. What are some of the themes that we're going to be exploring throughout the month? Of course, this is a collective reading for all of you and it is in relationship to your relationships. Right off the bat, what came through is that we've been spending a lot of time maybe focusing on our relationships and understanding the roles that we and our partners play. We've been in this phase where we've been trying to balance the power in the relationship and maybe in the past there has been a little bit of an imbalance of power. It feels like to me that we're being called to notice and become aware of all the ways in which we have been trying to create more flow in our relationships. We've been trying to open up the doors to communication. We've been trying to level the playing field in some kind of way. We're really being called in January to begin to start to let go of that maybe scarcity mindset, or where we're trying to control the outcome or we're trying to control the trajectory of the relationship that we are in. We're being asked to really just have some gratitude for how far we have come so far in our awareness of what's going on in the relationship. Then also where we're being called to maybe step beyond just doing what's best for the family in general, where we're really being asked to cultivate a stronger relationship with our partner that doesn't just involve having conversations around the kids or around what's needed for the home and all those kinds of things.

Corissa Stepp:

We're being asked to get more vulnerable. We're being asked to really open our hearts and share from a deep sense of vulnerability. We're also being asked to sit in our discernment around who we are giving our time, our energy and our love. To Be careful of the wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. Be mindful of who are the people that are not actually safe for you to be connecting with in a vulnerable way. We're being asked to be mindful of the types of relationships that you are surrounding yourself with, because not all of them are healthy.

Corissa Stepp:

This idea of being in your discernment around who you'll give your time and your energy and your love to is really really important for the month of January. Of course, we're heading into a new year. Perhaps January is usually a good time if you had not already done this in December of reevaluating maybe some of your relationships, which was one of the themes that we had back then then you're really being asked to do that this month. Look at your relationships, try to understand who the safe people are, who the unsafe people are, who are the people that you want to bring into again your inner circle and who you want to place maybe somewhere on the outside or to the middle circle. That's going to be really important.

Corissa Stepp:

The other thing that came up and this is something that we talked about in December, but the other thing that came up is just being open to the possibility of where things are going in your relationships. You know it could be that, you know, maybe you are trying to discern whether or not to stay or go in a primary relationship, or who's gonna stay or go in your inner or outer circle, or middle circle, even the thing is is that you're being called to really be open to the possibilities of new people coming in. You're being called to be open to allowing the journey to unfold instead of trying to control the outcome. But the other thing that you're being asked to do is to extend an olive branch, and that olive branch could be towards the people that maybe have hurt you in the past. Maybe you're being asked to let go of some of the resentment that you're holding, and maybe this resentment is something that you're not even consciously aware of. But you're being asked to really sit in that stillness, sit in the quiet and try to understand what's actually happening and how you are feeling about it, because it feels like there is some element of this where maybe you've been ignoring how you deeply feel, and maybe there is a lot of anger, a repressed anger, or disappointment or hurt or frustration or resentment that you have been holding in some of your close relationships that maybe you have been too afraid to look at, and so maybe it's time to extend the olive branch and maybe some of that forgiveness actually is something that you need to offer to yourself.

Corissa Stepp:

A lot of times we don't think about how the role that we play in our relationships can sometimes end up hurting us as well, and it's not necessarily that we're doing it purposefully, but when we whittle away at our own self-trust, when we whittle away our own self-worth by allowing others to treat us in ways that are not reflective of our value, of our worth, or where we allow others to influence us to back down on our boundaries that we have set to keep ourselves safe, it can really hinder the depth of connection that we have to ourselves. It can chip away at our self-trust right. We can unknowingly take that chisel from someone else's hand who has been trying to devalue, diminish, belittle or hurt us and start using it on ourselves. So be mindful of where maybe that might be playing out in some of your relationships. Give that chisel away, give it back right, or not even give it back but destroy it right and forgive yourself for that. If that is something that you have experienced, and forgive yourself for maybe where you didn't act in a way that you felt was really reflective of who you actually are, right. Where maybe you have been emotionally reactive in some way and you were becoming this person who felt very argumentative or who felt like you were always on the defensive. Forgive yourself for that, because that was, that was your nervous system or your subconscious trying to protect you from something. So pay attention to the red flags, right. Pay attention to who actually is supportive, who is safe, and where do you need to offer an olive branch? Maybe you have been distanced from certain people in your life because someone else in your life drove a wedge between you and that other person, and maybe you need to forgive yourself for allowing that to happen. Or maybe you need to ask for forgiveness from the other person for how you showed up in that relationship, and that's okay. But that's where we're going to be wiping the slate clean for the month of January, where we're going to really be focusing on watering the seeds of the relationships that we want to cultivate and where maybe we're going to be weeding out the things that are not healthy for us, that maybe are strangling out these new relationships that want to bud, that want to grow, that need your time and attention, that deserve your time and attention. And when we start to weed out the garden and remove the people from our lives that are not healthy for us, that are toxic, it allows the garden to grow in a way that feels sustainable, that feels fulfilling, that feels nourishing, that feels enriching, and so that's what you're being called to do this month, in the month of January.

Corissa Stepp:

The other big theme for January is gratitude as well. It's being grateful for the journey that you have been on up until this point. It is looking back on, perhaps, some of the more painful experiences that you have had, or the trauma that you have experienced, and being grateful for what those experiences taught you about yourself. It's learning how to transform that pain into power. It's being grateful for what you have created. Right, perhaps, maybe you have this beautiful family that is reflective of the love that you shared with this partner, and even if that relationship is ending or changing or whatever it might be, it's just being grateful for what the two of you did create together, and maybe you can even look at your partner and say that you are grateful for them too, because you learned so much about yourself. You learned, maybe, so much about what it is that you do want and what you don't want, and that you are grateful for the experience that you had that you created together, whether or not it was healthy. That's fine, but we can still have an appreciation for what we learned, right, and we can still have an appreciation for what it opened up our eyes to, for the awareness that it created, for the unfolding of that relationship that led us to this point, to become who we are today and to maybe also understand who we are not. So being grateful for the family that you have together.

Corissa Stepp:

And then how to move forward in a way that feels like the right next step for all of you and, of course, where you're not continuing to self-sacrifice or self-abandon what you want, what you need and how you deserve to be treated. And remember to rely on your intuition when you are noticing red flags right. Really tune into how your body is communicating to you as to whether or not you do feel safe in the relationship. Allow your body to tune into whether or not you feel like this person is supportive, that they are safe, that they do value you. If you're starting to get any kind of inclination that this relationship is not one that you want to continue because of how it leaves you feeling, how it leaves you feeling drained or depleted or undermined or diminished or undervalued in any kind of way, then lean into that Trust, that Trust what your body and your intuition are trying to communicate.

Corissa Stepp:

I hope you enjoyed this episode. Any of this resonated with you. I'd love to hear from you, because it means so much to me to get your feedback. Until next week, everyone be well. If you're hearing this message, that means you've listened all the way to the end, and for that I am truly grateful. If you enjoyed this episode and found it valuable, would you mind leaving us a review wherever you listen to podcasts and sharing it with others? If you'd like to connect with me for one-on-one coaching or human design reading, you can find me on my website or on social media. Also, if you have a topic you'd like me to discuss on a future episode, please DM me. Be sure to tune in next week for another episode of Stepping into Meaningful Relationships.

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